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Influence of angles occlusion in periodontal diseases


Sheeja S. Varghese



Department of Periodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University 162, Poonamallee High Road, Chennai 600077



Email - sheejavarghese@saveetha.com; Corresponding author*


Article Type

Research Article



Received October 7, 2020; Revised October 27, 2020; Accepted October 27, 2020; Published December 31, 2020



It is of interest to document the known relationship between periodontal status and Angle’s malocclusion types. We used 26092 case records of patients between 16 to 50 years of age with no gender restrictions. Variables such as age, gender, periodontal diagnosis and type
of Angle’s occlusion were extracted and tabulated. Statistical analysis was completed using chi square test in the SPSS software version 20. Data shows that the majority (95.27%) had Angle’s class I occlusion and less than 5% had class II and Class III occlusion. Statistical analysis of class II and Class III cases with 1000 randomly selected cases of class I occlusion show a significant difference in the periodontal status between different types of Angle’s occlusion. Chronic periodontitis was more in class I (10.4%) and it was the lowest in Class II Div 2 (4.3%) occlusion. Class II Div 1(23.8%) and Class III (17%) had the highest and lowest proportion of clinically healthy periodontium, respectively. Thus, we report that angles occlusion types had significant influence on periodontal status along with the other determinants.



Age; angles malocclusion; gender; gingivitis; periodontitis



Varghese, Bioinformation 16(12): 983-991 (2020)


Edited by

P Kangueane






Biomedical Informatics



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