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Awareness on mosquito borne diseases among urban & rural population in Northern Gujarat


B. Mahalakshmi1,*, N. Sivasubramanian1, Payal Vaghela1, Patel Divyankakumari Navinbhai1, Patel hetal vasanthbhai1, G.Ramalakshmi2, Gurav Priyanka Rajeshbhai1 & KJ Shaijo1



1Nootan College of Nursing, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat - 384315, India; 2Department of Community health Nursing, College of Nursing, S.G.R.R University, Dehradun, Uttarkhand - 248001, India; *Corresponding author



B. Mahalakshmi - E-mail: mb.fn@spu.ac.in

N. Sivasubramanian -E-mail: sn.fn@spu.ac.in

Payal Vaghela - E-mail: ptvaghela.fn@spu.ac.in

Patel Divyankakumari Navinbhai - E-mail: divyankapatel3931@gmail.com

Patel hetal vasanthbhai - E-mail: hetal4535@gmail.com

G.Ramalakshmi - E-mail: dean.sn@sgrru.ac.in

Gurav Priyanka Rajeshbhai - E-mail: prgurav.fn@spu.ac.in

KJ Shaijo - E-mail: shaijo50@gmail.com


Article Type

Research Article



Received June 2, 2022; Revised July 31, 2022; Accepted July 31, 2022, Published July 31, 2022



It is of interest to examine the awareness and precautions of urban and rural residents on a number of mosquito-borne diseases (MBD). A sample of 300 adult people (Rural 150+Urban 150) was selected from Mahesana district of North Gujarat. Majority of samples (47.3 %) had average, 16% poor and 36.7% had good level of awareness in urban areas. In rural areas majority of the samples (40.67%) had average, 28%poor and 31.33% had good level of awareness. (67.3%) urban population were using mosquito repellent liquids and creams and (68.6%) of rural population were using mosquito net. Data shows that both urban and rural populations have moderate awareness on Mosquito Borne Diseases and majority is taking precaution towards these conditions. Data also revealed that there is no significant difference between urban & rural population’s precaution measures against Mosquito borne diseases.



Awareness, Precaution, Comparison, Mosquito Borne Diseases



Mahalakshmi et al. Bioinformation 18(7): 640-644 (2022)


Edited by

P Kangueane






Biomedical Informatics



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