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 Exploring bioactive compounds from a symbiotic bacterial strain of Spongiobacter sp.



Fehmida Bibi1,3*, Muhammad Imran Naseer2,3 & Esam Ibraheem Azhar1,3



1Special Infectious Agents Unit–BSL3, King Fahd Medical Research Centre, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 21589, Saudi Arabia; 2Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research (CEGMR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia; 3Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 21589, Saudi Arabia; *Corresponding author



Fehmida Bibi -E-mail: fnaseer@kau.edu.sa;

Tel: +966-2-64010000 Ext. 73529 Fax: +966-2-6952076

Muhammad Imran Naseer - E-mail: minaseer@kau.edu.sa

Esam Ibraheem Azhar -E-mail: eazhar@kau.edu.sa


Article Type

Research Article



Received April 1, 2023; Revised April 30, 2023; Accepted April 30, 2023, Published April 30, 2023



Marine sponges are a host of different symbiotic groups of bacteria playing crucial roles in the protection and survival of marine sponges. Marine symbiotic bacteria from sponges are promising sources of bioactive chemicals and are increasingly being investigated. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to analyze total compounds from active symbiotic bacterial strain from sponge, Pione vastifica. Potential bacterial strain EA276 previously isolated from P. vastifica and was identified as Spongiobacter sp. Among 57 isolates, only 42% exhibited antagonistic activity. Four major classes of bacteria were reported previously where γ-Proteobacteria, was the dominant class. From these active antagonistic bacterial isolates, a potential bacterial strain Spongiobacter sp. EA276 was selected, and total metabolites were identified using GC and LC-MS analyses. Using LC-MS analysis bioactive compounds Dichlorphenamide, Amifloxacin and Carbenicillin are identified in both positive and negative mode. Plant growth hormones, Indole-3-acetic acid and Methyl jasmonate were identified using GC-MS analysis from culture extract of strain Spongiobacter sp. EA276. Our results highlighted the significance of marine flora inhabiting sponges from the Red Sea as potential source of bioactive compounds and plant growth hormones of biological and agricultural significance.



Red Sea, Pione vastifica, 16S rRNA gene sequence, Spongiobacter sp. EA276, bioactive metabolites



Bibi et al. Bioinformation 19(4): 369-374 (2023)

Edited by

P Kangueane






Biomedical Informatics



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