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Efficacy of mucolytics and steam therapy in the management of sinusitis among Indians



Rajalakshmi S Balakrishnan1, Subhashree Rohinikumar*1, Abhinav Rajendra Prabhu1, Vishnu Priya Veeraraghavan2, Thiyaneswaran Nesappan1 & Rajalakshmanan Easwaramoorthy*2



1Department of Implantology, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Science, Chennai-600077, India; 2Department of Biomaterials, Centre of Molecular Medicine and Diagnostics (COMManD), Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai 600077, India; *Corresponding authors



Rajalakshmi S Balakrishnan – E-mail: rajibala201@gmail.com

R Subhashree - E-mail: subhashreer.sdc@saveetha.com

Abhinav Rajendra Prabhu – E-mail: trilokabhinav@gmail.com

Vishnu Priya Veeraraghavan - E-mail: vishnupriya@saveetha.com

Thiyaneswaran Nesappan - E-mail: dr.thiyan@gmail.com

Rajalakshmanan Eswaramoorthy - E-mail: rajalakshmanane.sdc@saveetha.com


Article Type

Research Article



Received April 1, 2023; Revised April 30, 2023; Accepted April 30, 2023, Published April 30, 2023



It is of interest to compare the treatment modalities of sinus membrane thickening, by analyzing the difference in pre and post-intervention radiographic measurement of sinus membrane thickness. Results showed that combination therapy of steam and mucolytics decreased the sinus thickening in a statistically significant manner compared to mucolytics alone. Thus, there is a correlation between maxillary sinus membrane thickening and patency of maxillary ostium radiographically.



Sinus membrane thickening, maxillary ostium, mucolytics, steam therapy.



Balakrishnan et al. Bioinformation 19(4): 479-483 (2023)


Edited by

P Kangueane






Biomedical Informatics



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